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Interactive Training Video Scenarios

What are we offering?

Interactive video scenario training is an innovative way to train employees, especially in industries where customer service and human interaction are crucial. The training combines the use of videos and interactive elements to create a realistic environment that mirrors real-life scenarios. This approach provides a more immersive learning experience, ensuring better retention of information and practical application of skills.

The interactive video scenario training enables employees to make decisions in real-time and see the consequences of their actions, allowing them to learn from their mistakes without any repercussions. It also helps them build confidence in handling challenging situations before they encounter them on the job. With this type of training, employees can hone their soft skills such as communication, problem-solving, empathy and adaptability which are essential for customer-facing roles.

In conclusion, interactive video scenario training is an effective tool for employee development that can save time and money while increasing overall productivity.

The platform is digital, highly interactive and is ultimately designed to allow persons to learn and retain information in a more engaging way than traditional methods. Our focus is to customise an onboarding platform that suits your specific business needs and our team is ready to work with you to ensure your vision is achieved.

Digital Workforce Experience Platform

Key Features for Onboarding

Private & Secure

Fortified cyber-security is imperative to every organisation. Is your company protected? Are you remote-working employees secure?
We create secure systems that are easy to navigate while protecting both your virtual and human assets.

Employee Profiles

Show your teams off!
Display each employee's image and their relevant role with a concise write-up on how awesome they are!
Camera-shy employees in the mix? No problem, we create employee avatars too!

Document Library

Securely store virtual resources, documents, media and other collateral in one unique place where all employees can access as needed.

Own Domain

We provide your organisation with its own dedicated domain. No tricks, no gimmicks. Just customised quality.

File Sharing

Easily and safely share documents and other digital files within your company.

User Permissions

Ensure every employee has the appropriate access to the information and resources that they need.